On our list of dating sites to review, next in line was CheatingWifeDesire.com. After a short investigation, we believe we got to the bottom of this site’s intentions and scamming nature. We invite you to continue reading and learn the truth about CheatingWifeDesire.com.
CheatingWifeDesire.com redirects to LonelyWifeHookup.com
As you can see in the image above, CheatingWifeDesire.com is merely a landing page that states the site “is not taking any more members” and redirects all current and future site members to LonelyWifeHookup.com. Now, whether this site was created with the intention of only being a landing page or whether it ran out of business, so now only sends the link juice to other affiliated websites – we don’t know. However, we do know from our recent review of LonelyWifeHookup.com that this site cannot be legitimate or trustworthy when it is sending you directly in the hands of online dating scammers.
What should you know about LonelyWifeHookup.com?
For your own convenience, we will explain shortly what we have found about LonelyWifeHookup.com that makes this site completely untrustworthy. To read the full review on LonelyWifeHookup.com you can click, here.
1) “Fantasy Cuties” Service. Distinguished by a little yellow star with the letters FC imprinted in it, but you wouldn’t even notice the star if you don’t know what it actually stands for. Fantasy Cuties or “FC” are fabricated profiles that have no resemblance to any person, living or dead. While they are created by LonelyWifeHookup.com to look very real, they are not genuine dating profiles because there are no real people using them.
2) Computerized Communications. LonelyWifeHookup.com will then use the fabricated profiles they have made-up and use them to send you computer-automated messages and deceive you into believing they are coming from another site member interested in you. But, these messages, just like the profiles, are created by computers and sent to you using software.
3) Not a Free Dating Site. The whole point on LonelyWifeHookup.com is to get you to give them your credit card information and subscribe for a period of time. While you are paying for using false features and services, the subscription will also automatically renew at the end of the paid membership period you initially chose. This will continue for as long as you don’t realize the site has been charging money off your credit card for much longer than you expected. Here are the initial payment options:
Basic Membership
- $8.85 to buy a 3 day trial subscription period (automatically renews at $29.95)
- $29.95 to buy a monthly subscription (automatically renewable)
VIP Membership
- $49.90 to buy 2 months of subscription (+1 month of free membership)
- $59.95 to buy 3 months of subscription (+3 months of free membership)
4) Employees Pose As Members. They hide behind the fabricated Fantasy Cuties profiles and act to be the people you see in the photographs. But, this is far from the truth as these people are hired and paid by the company who owns LonelyWifeHookup.com to string you along and create false hope that you will ever meet in real life.
5) No Meeting In Person. This fact comes as no surprise because you are already aware that you cannot meet an artificially created profile of a person in real life. While LonelyWifeHookup.com will gladly take your money, it is not a matchmaking service and there are no chances for anyone to find a real person to date on the site.
CheatingWifeDesire.com Scam Questions
If you have anything else you’d like to ask, feel free to post in the comments section below. Also, if you are a past user of CheatingWifeDesire.com or LonelyWifeHookup.com, we welcome you to share your personal experiences to help other readers.
LonelyWifeHookup.com Contact Info
Cancel Membership: support@fastdatingsupport.com
Email Contact: help@dateprofits.com
Phone Number: 844-399-9749 or +1-619-900-1607
Report and File a Complaint
Contact the Better Business Bureau to file a complaint and report the site if you feel you have been deceived and/or overcharged.