We get a lot of questions from readers. Many of them are related to Tinder. One recent question asked was, “Can you send pictures on Tinder?” Well, today I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about taking and sending pics on Tinder along with some other information about Tinder in general! Stick around and keep reading, especially if you’re into using apps like Tinder and Bumble.

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How To Send Pics On Tinder (Specific Instructions)
If you’re talking to someone on Tinder then you’re going to come to a point where sending pics is the next step. It’s a very common thing that is very easy to screw up. You just have to be aware of what’s actually going on before you send off something that’s going to push her away.
You can still send pics but they have to be the right pics for the right circumstances. If you just start off with a dick pic that she didn’t ask for then you’re going to ruin any chance that you may have had with her.
There’s no reason to send her a dick pic unless she asks for it. If she doesn’t specifically ask to see it, then she doesn’t want to.
Don’t send it and you’ll be in a much better position. Women get enough of them without asking and they really don’t need any more of them.
Start Off Slow
What you really want to do is start off nice and slow. Take your time working up to the actual photos. You should be starting off with things like GIFs. Just find funny ones and send them off. You’re not going to do any real damage this way.
After that, you can start sending off your emojis. They may not be as popular as they once were, but you can still use them to your advantage. Send them ironically and she’ll love it. Once you’ve got all of that going on, you can try to get a number from her.
This will let you send actual photos to her. If she doesn’t want to share her number then you can just use her Snapchat. It’s the best way to send her pics that only she can see and enjoy.
Keep Them Clean
Now that you have a way to send the pic, make sure you keep them clean. You never want to send a dick pic, no matter how badly you want to. Just send ironic selfies to her.
You can also send travel photos and photos from you and your friends. You want to give her a good idea of who you are and what you like to do.
It’s a great way for her to get to know you and she’s going to enjoy it when it’s at its funniest. Just have a good sense of humor and be ready to make fun of yourself.
Conclusion: Just Make Her Laugh
No matter what kind of picture you send her, just try to make her laugh. That’s really the key to the whole thing. The pics are the tools that you’re using to make her laugh and get her interested in meeting you.
It’s easier than it all seems. Give it a shot and you’ll be rewarded with a woman who’s interested in you and is ready to give you a real chance. What you do with all of that is really up to you and no one else.